all the ways we met
how did you meet
a stranger, mutual
but connected.
an interaction,
a moment in time,
how do you remember it?
tell me your story,
how did it end?
are you still friends
do you have to pretend?
the project
socially, a conduit becomes the connection between two unlinked parties as they interact, causing them to become involved with each other.
for this project my definition of a social conduit is a mutual friend.
this website becomes a record of the relationships that were made through any one persons acting as a social conduit aka, the mutual friend.
these stories include how strangers met and interacted, and both their versions of the same story accessible in one space.
want to submit ?
share this project with a friend who you made through a mutual connection (note; this means that you didn't make this friend directly, you met them through another person). once you've found a friend to participate with, read the rules of submission and share your story.
most recent posts
click the underlined link above to see the collection of stories